Isuzu 6WG1 for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd

Isuzu (6WG1) Back to Search

Listed by JJ RebuildersSeller's Other Engines

Engine Info

Listing ID 122651
Make Isuzu
Model 6WG1
Serial No. 6WG1-618449
Cylinders 6
V / Inline Inline
Power 396 Kw / 532 HP
RPM @ 1800 RPM
Price 23000

General Info

Condition New Engine
Application Industrial
Cooling Air
Lead Time In Stock

Location Info

Country United States
State FL


(NEW) 2018 Isuzu BH-6WG1 Diesel Engine (TIER 3), Serial # 6WG1-618449, Family # ASZXL15.7HXB, Engine Code # 6WG1XDHBA.01, Model: BH-6WG1X, HP: 532@1800 RPM, Engine Displacement: 15.7L, visit JJREBUILDERS for more information on this or any other diesel engine or call for more information . REF INV # 006283

Isuzu 6WG1

JJ Rebuilders

Contact Juan Ramirez
Phone 1 7863775210
Phone 2
Cell Phone
Fax 305-675-7730
Address 532 West 20th Street, Hialeah, 33010
Country United States


Contact the seller

Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Big Bear Engine Company
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Customer Testimonials

'We had a Mercedes engine in stock for over a year but were unable to sell it in Belgium - it was an unusual specification for generator use. Once we listed it on, we sold it to a customer in England! We get regular inquiries from customers across the world.'

Rob Verhoeven, Hamofa Engines, Belgium

'Listed a Perkins T6.354 on DieselEngineTrader and sold it after 5 month. With a listing fee of $5.00 per month and no commission, it was much cheaper and more effective than the magazine we also used.'

Chris Weeks, Old Forge Lake Cruises, New York, USA

'Sold 2 new Caterpillar C12 engines to a guy in Canada who found our engines through Diesel Engine Trader, thanks.'

Willem Cornelisse, W.K.M. Cornelisse Trading B.V. Holland


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